I switched to adbrite

Discussion in 'Web Development and Programming' started by Adam, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. Adam

    Adam Regular Member

    I switched to adbrite on one of my sites and I'm making alot more money in this niche. I was making close to nothing for a few hundred impressions, but now I'm starting to see some money. If your adsense ads are not working try a different advertiser.
  2. avi007o

    avi007o Regular Member

    does adbrite have any requirements for some minimum quality and traffic for a site before giving permission ?
  3. Adam

    Adam Regular Member

    umm I'm not really sure. I registered when them about 2 years ago.
  4. adithya

    adithya Regular Member

    nope it doesn't have any specific requirement..
    They have approved my new one month old site http://blog.aditech.info within 1 day... ;)
    @Adam:nice move...i think you have implemented this in your wall paper site....
  5. thedudleys

    thedudleys Regular Member

    agrees that you should try adbrite, we are not making money since we don't have any ads on our current sites, but once we do then we will start making money...

  6. Adam

    Adam Regular Member

    I noticed they put a lot of girls in bikinis on my sites. Those ads must do well. :iseelove:
  7. thedudleys

    thedudleys Regular Member

    yeah if your loving females that are not real and all fake then yeah go ahead and get them and offer them some kind of money to "pose" for your site...

  8. nightlinker

    nightlinker Regular Member

    LoL if they show ads like that then i wont register to it since my sites is for children :(
  9. thedudleys

    thedudleys Regular Member

    we were kidding about the poses part nightlinker...you can choose what you want...

  10. nightlinker

    nightlinker Regular Member

    LoL i thought it was for real :rolf: :rolf:
  11. avi007o

    avi007o Regular Member

    even i m thinking of creating a warez site ... since i dnt think adbrite does not proohibit adult and warez sites.
  12. nightlinker

    nightlinker Regular Member

    really?? i thought they also adult ads??
  13. spinky.jones

    spinky.jones Regular Member

    yeah i think adbrite accepts warez site. do try it dude.
  14. avi007o

    avi007o Regular Member

    ya and they even allow adult sites .
  15. thedudleys

    thedudleys Regular Member

    oh well if they allow adult sites then we might want to try to put adbrite on our adult site.


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