I need help guys....

Discussion in 'SEO, Traffic and Revenue' started by kneel, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    I know mt seo is not good...I've tried different things and keywords but im not having very much luck. I see yahoo and google spiders all the time on me site...

    My google page rank is still a 1 after 9 months of being open...is that accurate?

    can anyone help me get sum better search results?

    (i know this is kind of a big/odd question..so if you dont wanna help dont sit here and destroy me :devil:)
  2. David

    David Regular Member

    Pagerank doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. If you're merely tracking what your PR is, then its a massive fail as PR is always old and out dated when you see it.

    I assume you have a Google webmaster tools account, along with Google analytics (or some similar analytics package) installed already to actually track how your SEO is.

    How much traffic are the search engines delivering?
    What keywords are the sending traffic for? Do these match the keywords you want to rank for?
    How many pages do you have indexed?

    If its PR you simply want, just go build a bunch of back links from any useless site you can find. If its SEO success you want, build back links from related sites (Car related I'd assume) and try to get them with good anchor texts. Link to deep inner pages and not just the home page over and over.
  3. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Instead of using "TuneMyToyota.com" in your forum signature, just use "toyota forum." That is a good place to start.

    In other webmaster forums you are a member of, use something like "toyota tundra forum", and just repeat that in other forum signatures with different types of toyota cars and trucks.

    In your site title, instead of "TuneMyToyota.com", replace that with toyota forum.

    A brighter theme might also help.
  4. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Great tips there Kevin :) Have a look at my signature for a really good example of this :D

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