please please please do not take this as spam! as many of you forum owners i have very high days and very low today is a low day Manly Stuff - By Men, for Men! If i'm not online for a few days i see the total online members drop by half also i see alot of sign up's but hardly any posting we hae 1000+ members yet only 13000 posts! what can i do to up the post - better the site and forums etc should i merge some? make more? im lost 2day please help!
I know how you feel. I would love to help you out, I really would, but I'm in the same position as you. Most days are low days for me. I post on forums like this to help bring me up, but sometimes it backfires, as it seems to have done for you.
I know just what you mean okenyon. It's like, hardly anyone seems to post this time of year, and it's pretty much ridiculous.
hmmm, I would suspect some correlation of forum content activity vs. economic performance maybe??? Don't mean to jack the thread topic. Was just a thought on my mind.
I think that'd be a great new topic idea to post at AdminAddict personally (the economics thing helping/hindering forum activity levels).
i have noticed even aa lacking on pists the last few weeks my sites busy just get pissed of some days!
I think said user is just being relatively nice, although his recent posts have been a bit difficult to understand content wise.