Hola, Sorry for my absence ... but I found many chabges around the corner. Where is Photo Gallery? Where is Members Journals? Where is shoutbox? O-ops! I did it! And ... Do Your count scrores from PlayPen again? Sorry for distrubing, Lobo
lobo> With the new site design, it "broke" the way some of the things work with the pages. Alien is working on fixing each of the things you mentioned, and they should all be back in due time, many in a new and improved format. As for the site being slow, check http://forums.aliensoup.com/showthread.php?t=9292 The situation is still playing itself out, but essentially the server is getting hammered with indirect traffic from the Mike Rowe vs. Microsoft fiasco.
Welcome back, lobo! Good to see you again. Yes, Diesel is correct. All those areas will be returning as well as a brand new design we're working on to be our new default. Once we changed software to vBulletin 3.0 it broke all previous modifications/hacks/modules and they all need to be done from scratch. The slowness will subside eventually, we're getting hammered with several thousand people simultaneously on our server which hosts 2 websites and it's causing delays.
Thanks guys! I will wait for new soup patiently ... the current design is awesome! I love it! :burga:
Alien, The OLD soup had policy which one prohibites animated avatars Can I use animated avatar in new soup?
Mwa-ha-ha! I found a funny bug : 1) Choose Calendar 2) Go to month of April 3) Go to first day of april - Thu 1 The link shows : 3 Birthdays Follow this link and You will find 4 birthdays : rreeaadd (25), maddognick (20), Ice[DDZ] (19), Ant (16) Is it conspiracy?
One more glitch : 1) Choose Gallery 2) Choose Active topicks from Quick Links pulldown. You will come to Advanced Search page ... Works only in Gallery
Yes, the navbar links have to have the full paths added by me so that they direct to the proper place in the gallery area... I'll take care of that soon.