Hi! I just wanted to post a hello! I love the look and feel of this site. Whoever did it is a great programmer. I would like to hire him/her to customize my web site. Anyone know who did it? Thanks.
Welcome to the soup, now I must probe you . . . ok with that done the man behind the soup, is the BGH himself, Alien.
well he didn't do all the graphics, but he can hook you up with the guy who did welcome! stick around, post, you'll like the place and the people. sorry about that probe, it's standard procedure so you're not alone
Welcome to the soup, goingnova! :shake: We look forward to seeing you around the boards! Glad you like it here.
well it sounds to me like he's just here to find the designer. but we'd be thrilled if he stuck around anyway! hint hint!
Yay finnaly someone who might debate with me. Every1 i know gave up a while ago because i usually win. (or if i'm loseing i don't give up untill we are argueing ove unimportant detaials) :shake: welcome
I do enjoy debating. It provides the opportunity for open-minded people to change their opinions. I enjoy reading what others think, even when I disagree. Debating can strengthen your argument, or change your mind. It's a beautiful thing.
Yea. The little we've been doing here makes me wish I had taken the Speach and Debate class. But my scedual was full so o well i'll have to take it next year
Hey, welcome aboard. We are happy you've decided to become an active participant! Keep it up! As for who is behind the current site, you can get the details right here: http://forums.aliensoup.com/showthread.php?t=9517