I abandoned vBulletin

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by mush490, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. mush490

    mush490 Regular Member

    Well, I jumped ship from vBulletin. I just launched my site this past February but I immediately starting having buyer's remorse once I realized where vBulletin 5 was heading. I had a choice, continue building up my community on vBulletin or jump ship while my community is still in its early stages and switch to another solution. I chose to switch, and I have moved my site to IPB.

    So far I really like IPB. The admin side is a bit confusing and takes a little getting used to but that was also the case with vB. I really like the Gallery and how media is managed on IPB. In general, I feel that IPB is much more intuitive for the end user.
    Big al likes this.
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    How's IPB treating you so far?
  3. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Congrats! IPB's a great forum script, so you'll definitely enjoy using it more than vBulletin. And the official plugins are extremely high quality.

    Good choice on the software move!
  4. mush490

    mush490 Regular Member

    I'm loving it so far! Honestly, I probably would have gone with xenforo had there been a gallery component included. So glad I moved though, vB5 is garbage. I wish I could sell my license :)
    Big al likes this.
  5. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    I am glad it is working out well for you. I can understand your reluctance to move but it seems you made a wise choice.
    Peace likes this.
  6. ConfabIt

    ConfabIt Regular Member

    See, I read up on here about how most people prefer Xenforo/IPB and I think to myself, "What exactly is it that these guys/gals value so much that they want to change from vBulletin?". Is it just more user-friendly or something?

    I recently brought my license and as a complete noob I wouldn't even know how to transfer an existing community onto another software. As I've said before though, vBulletin does me just fine, so I'll stick with it. :)
    Peace likes this.
  7. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    I personally love IPB. It truly is a wonderful software. I am actually using Xenforo right now and I love Xenforo as well but I personally do think you made the right choice with IPB simply because the software is so powerful and the 3rd party community is much bigger than Xenforo's, which i feel like is still trying to find its way. But i am too lazy to switch back to IPB so I am sort of just sticking with Xenforo lol.

    I am glad you are enjoying it though.
  8. thebrad

    thebrad Regular Member

    Be careful with IPB its a great piece of software indeed not that user friendly but recently so many people have been exploiting the piece of software its really easy to hack atm and the ipb team are doing nothing about it.
  9. Jura

    Jura Regular Member

    You're making stuff up. Those forums decided not to update their software or patch it. It's their fault.

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