Hybrid Heavens

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Alister, Apr 17, 2011.

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  1. Alister

    Alister Regular Member

    Site Name: Hybrid Heavens
    Site URL: <removed>
    Description: See Below
    Your Name on the Board: Crazy-Person-Here

    Hybrid Heavens was founded in early March 2011 by McStormify and Saxaca. For over one month, they have been working hard to get the forum up and running. With a custom style and unique features, we are ready for anything. We are a resource/hybrid site with many features such as a directory, a knowledge base, a gallery and much more. We offer many forums such as a Job Center, a Marketplace and promotion tips, and we also offer cool services. All services can be purchased with virtual forum cash known as "HH Cash". They are as followed:

    Graphic Service
    Table Ads
    Cloud Ads
    Quick Reply Ads
    Directory Service

    We also offer premium services which you may purchase with real cash. We guarantee maximum exposure with our promotion services and the most excellent images possible with our graphic service. Once the forum gets active, we have some very good ideas that we would like to use for services but these will not be released yet.

  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    The theme on it is nice, but how many sites do you have alister? lol
  3. AssignmentA

    AssignmentA Regular Member

    Hey alister. Firstly nice forum, Secondly how many forums do you have now? take it easy ;)

    EDIT- haha kaiser that was what i was going to post and did then your post popped up after :P
  4. Alister

    Alister Regular Member

    Thank you

    And just to clear things up i do not own this site i am on the Promoters, team.
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Hi, please refer back to the rules Alister, you can only advertise your own site. Advertising other's is not accepted. The owner is welcome to advertise their site here. http://admin-talk.com/threads/showcasing-guidelines-must-read.4/
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