Hi Folks, Big Dan here many of you already know me from other forums as I see some familiar names. For those that don't, I'm Dan from New York I own and run a DJ Forum as well as a couple of other small forums that aren't off the ground yet. Most of my boards run vBulletin but some run my second (and free) choice for forum software, myBB. After seeing a link on vB-FAQ I figured I'd stop in and check things out. Very nicely designed site! I'm exploring the site a bit and hopefully I'll find something to add somewhere. Cheers, Dan
Hi Dan, welcome to the forum. I see you around a variety of forums so I'm not totally unfamiliar with you. :p MyBB is second on my list, too. If I'm not using vB, I'm using MyBB. :lol: I'm glad to have you on-board and I look forward to posting with 'ya throughout the forum.
Welcome to AA, Dan, glad to see you've joined. MyBB, like both of you, is also my second choice for forum software. If I want to start up a little something without putting much money into it, MyBB it is. I like to think of it as the free vB.
Thanks for the welcome fellas. Looks like there's been a lot of new posts since I last visited, I'm off to see where can throw my two cents in.
I'm back in action after taking most of the summer away from boards (aside from my own) as much as possible.. Sorry bump a 4 month old thread. Just wanted to Hi to everyone again.
Thanks. LOL on the abandonment. I only hung around my board and a couple of others that I have moderating duties on. Other than that I think the only please I posted where I don't have moderating duties is Wayne's board over the summer... He should feel special. :lol: Sometimes ya just need a break, major internet burn out here.