
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Yojimbo, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. Yojimbo

    Yojimbo Regular Member

    I'm fresh meat, be kind. :cool:
  2. Unforgiven

    Unforgiven Regular Member

    I used to play a game with a guy who called himself Yojimbo.
  3. nightwolf

    nightwolf Regular Member

    was it final fantasy by any chance?

    God he was ace!

    hey hun, nice to see you shifting across from BA! no matter how much I miss it.
  4. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Hi Yojimbo and welcome to Alien Soup. Hope to be reading many of your posts.
  5. lobo

    lobo Guest

    G'morning, Yoji!

    Welcome aboard!

    Hope that You will like our soup :beer:
  6. Yojimbo

    Yojimbo Regular Member

    Hmm, I've played a few, could have been me. Then again, lots of people like the Yojimbo name in gaming.
  7. Yojimbo

    Yojimbo Regular Member

    Yojimbo in FFX rocked. He had the whole mercenary thing going on.

    Thanks again for the invite nightwolf.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome to the Soup, Yo!
  9. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Welcome, now prepare to be probed, it is my duty you know :)
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