Howdy Ho Neighborino's

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Slack with Me, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. Slack with Me

    Slack with Me Regular Member

    Just introducing myself. I am The Slacker... a fire spewing know it all 24 year old... I bet you've never met one of those before.

    All jokes aside....

    I'm from Suffolk county and I love a good debate, so if you feel up to it come on over and drop me a few slatterings of digital beration. Just remember its all in good fun and you'll only think of me as a somewhat of an a$$ at first, but then you will get to know me better

    And realize i AM a complete a$$.

    -Slack Ditty
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hey welcome to BA, stick around for awhile and enjoy yourself.
  3. GoingNova

    GoingNova Regular Member

    Glad to see you found the site! ;)
  4. spunkey monkey

    spunkey monkey Regular Member

    hello and welcome
  5. Vixen

    Vixen Regular Member

  6. Lil'Jeffery34

    Lil'Jeffery34 Regular Member

    Welcome Senor Slack!!!!
  7. Venus

    Venus Regular Member

    Welcome Slack... hope you stick around!
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    So welcome Slack. Sound a bit like Ned Flanders with your "neighborinos". Welcome to Springfield.
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