I tried several times to post an avatar with a url but could not. Is there something wrong with that feature or could someone PLEASE explain it to me?
did you check the "yes" box AFTER you typed in the url? For some reason, if you check yes and then type the url it unchecks the "yes" box.
Thanks so much for answering. I thought my deodorant wasn't working as no one else has answered.:bgrin: Yes, I typed in the url and I tried to check the box and then I unchecked it, too. It keeps giving me the default avatar when I try to put in a url. I know the url is okay as I used it at another site. Guess I just can't have my custom avatarl. Don't know if I'm coming back here. Don't feel very welcome here any longer.
You are welcome. I really like ya. I think you're cool!! I've had the same problems with avartars, and I've gone through and checked all of the same things as well.
I'm guessing they are not within the above listed specs by DieselDan... If you give me a link, I can check it for you...