Intellectuals of Gaming and Anime.. it's sorta active. We'll handle the questions and answers via PM, I guess.
DigitalPoint is a huge, huge site. The point of an interview on a Admin site like this, is to gather new hits or visits to that particular admin forum.
This, and really without a site link it would be hard to conduct an interview. I'm sure @Brandon can shed some light on this for us.
I've talked to the OP and I don't think we'll be interviewing him/her right now. We have several really well known forum owners lined up, maybe after we get through that list, we could add a few more interviews. The OP can always post their forums in our community showcase if they would like to see some discussion about it.
I would love to be interviewed too. I'm sure you guys have criteria, my forum isn't that active but at least I get to have about 2 to 5 posts a day, among them are spammers who just drop links and leave and maybe 2 or 1 is authentic and have been in the forum for months. If this is sort of a success, please add me to the list Brandon. Thanks.
@Nikolairush @etc We do have this section for member interviews, post a thread and tell us a little about you and we'll start asking questions.