How to get interviewed?

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Nikolairush, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Nikolairush

    Nikolairush Regular Member

    I've seen other forums on here interviewed.. but how did I get mine interviewed?
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    What forum do you run? How big is it? @Brandon @evolution
  3. Nikolairush

    Nikolairush Regular Member

    Intellectuals of Gaming and Anime.. it's sorta active.

    We'll handle the questions and answers via PM, I guess.
    cpvr and Iconic like this.
  4. mofko

    mofko Regular Member

    I can interview you if you like, can you PM me your site
  5. Nikolairush

    Nikolairush Regular Member

    Okay, sure.. Brandon seems to be mostly couped with other stuff, so far.
  6. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    DigitalPoint is a huge, huge site. The point of an interview on a Admin site like this, is to gather new hits or visits to that particular admin forum.
  7. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    This, and really without a site link it would be hard to conduct an interview. I'm sure @Brandon can shed some light on this for us.
  8. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I've talked to the OP and I don't think we'll be interviewing him/her right now.
    We have several really well known forum owners lined up, maybe after we get through that list, we could add a few more interviews.

    The OP can always post their forums in our community showcase if they would like to see some discussion about it. :)
    cpvr likes this.
  9. etc

    etc I should be busy.

    I would love to be interviewed too. I'm sure you guys have criteria, my forum isn't that active but at least I get to have about 2 to 5 posts a day, among them are spammers who just drop links and leave and maybe 2 or 1 is authentic and have been in the forum for months. If this is sort of a success, please add me to the list Brandon. Thanks. :D
    Brandon likes this.
  10. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    cpvr and etc like this.

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