Do you order more then just one domain for your site? all .com, .org, .net and more or do you only have one of thoose? Do you buy them right away when you start or do you buy one later and then another one even later?
If it's a big project, I will snatch 'em all at once. If not, I will just choose one. I may end up purchasing the rest of the TLDs later on, but maybe not. It usually depends on how important the project is. Moved to Domains & Hosting.
Thats true. If it isn't an very small project I usually take the .com/.org/.net domain and maybe other later. Not always directly when i start the site so I might take the .org/.net later on.
I generally start out with one domain (a .com). As the community becomes larger and more active, I'll then proceed to purchase additional domains; that is, if they are available.
I think if you were to buy them all and then call the project off, you'd have wasted your money. It's not that much, but if you think this way about everything in life, you'll burn a hole in your pocket rather quickly.
I've just concerned myself with .com and .org. I grabbed several when we started the site, but just grabbed them for one year. $10/year per domain isn't that much. Later on, I bought them for longer (and I'm glad I had them when a couple of our domains were stolen!).
I usually just get the .com, and maybe some variations on the keywords for that name (like with the keywords in a different order)
I usually start with one domain. As others have said, if the site is promising and quickly escalates, I'll go purchase more in bulk.
The 'sucks' domain is a good idea. So many people enjoy creating hate sites these days. :p I wouldn't want that to happen to my brand.
I tend to get the .com until im ready for public release then i go ahead and get .net, I don't recommend .org enless your website is non-profit.
This is basically what I do. If it's a forum and I have no plans of taking it down, I'll usually get the .net just to have it (if I originally didn't).