Do you mange as a dictorer to get everyone to listen to your orders? Or are you a push over adminstrator who allows anything to take place and never bans anyone? Maybe your in between. What do you think you are?
I know it's a weakness of mine, I wouldn't say I am a pushover, but I am definitely too lenient. I mean, everythings orderly and such in my forum, but I take way to long to warn someone. I've waited on 5 instances of spam before finally warn raising someone. That's not good...
Just be friendly and make sure to bring your admin hat every time someone acts up. Make sure its a hard hat though.
I'm pretty friendly and laid-back... don't need to be too strict on the type of forum that I run. However, when it's time for disciplin, no matter who's causing the trouble, we're very firm about things, though. But we usually try to be as laid-back as possible, as that's the kind of community we are.
same here, also I prefer to work as a team and not make all the decisions and overrule everyone all the time
That's how I am as well. Especially when it comes to adding new features and such. I'd rather do that than say something like, "okay, this is what we'll be adding". I admit, I have been bad at that in the past, but I really do prefer to do things on a group census, like asking all staff members if what we're planning on doing or adding is okay with them, and if no one wants to do it, then that's fine with me. I won't complain about it.
I've seen admins who did that and would cause rifts between staff members. Ending up with them leaving. Democracy is the way to go.
I would say im a friendly admin and I give people many chances but when they cross the line I just cant keep my cool. Mostly has to do with trolls and spammers.