Hot Button Topics

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Chani, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    There are several threads that touch on this, but I think it needs a topic of its own.

    Do you allow hot button topics such as religion or politics on your forums?

    I don't.

    I don't care what your beliefs or political views are, just don't discuss them on my forums. And NO proselytizing (trying to "convert" someone to your beliefs).

    I used to have one forum that its title was "Religion And Politics" with one post in it that said, "Get the point?". That forum was locked so that no new threads or posts coule be posted there.
  2. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    We allow discussion of religion and politics on our forums, aslong as it isnt getting out of hand and personal and direct insults arent being thrown about then it is usually fine. You learn quite a lot from these kinds of discussions and they can make a very good read.
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Ditto. We allow them, but we ask users to exercise caution when posting. Until personal insults are being slung, and things simply get out of hand, it's fine.

    This is included in our rules:

    For your reference, the aforementioned Rule #1 is:
  4. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    I absolutely do permit these topics. They're great for bringing in new members and getting people to post. I pretty much let them go at it until the insults start to fly, then step in.
  5. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    Maybe I should rethink my philosophy.

    I guess I just have that rule to keep MYSELF from posting on these topics and losing members because of my own views.
  6. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    Yes, they keep the forum interesting, a place members want to return to and see what is happening next. And I know that some members feel the hobby forum is the only place in their lives they can even discuss some topics outside their own families.

    We do not moderate 'simple rudeness' as there are not universal standards for what is rude. It's interesting how much "rudeness" varies in different parts of the country and elsewhere.

    It takes some training but people do get it ...
    - they can remark on the topic, but may not get personal - no remarks about another forum member, including implying they are stupid or illogical
    - do not expect to persuade others to your pov; accept that other people have beliefs and opinions that you may disagree with strongly
    - expect to be offended - other members may remark on things you are sensitive about, they are not required to respect your religion, political party, etc.
    - no bashing of forum members or their families but off-forum people, including celebrities and politicians, are fair game
    - no baiting - that is, no posting just to provoke someone else into getting mad, of course those topics are prime for baiting people

    Being unable to say very much directly about other people's opinions seems to head off a lot of potential conflicts. Members can't really directly discredit other member's opinions. What they can do is discuss what makes sense about contradictory pov's, or discuss other positions on a more generic basis. If a member has stated position x, other members can say "what troubles me about position x is ... " or "I don't agree with position x ..." but not "position x is stupid."

    We very rarely have people trying to convert others religiously. When it has happened they seem to be young teenagers. Kind of sad because they always hit a brick wall. The forum members are for the most part mature in beliefs they have held a long time. Even those who agree with the member who wishes to evangelize often don't like the way they do it, and say so. It's not against the rules but we do counsel against it and explain why.
  7. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Yes, discussion of such material is indeed permitted. As long as each discussion remains organized and/or acceptably moderated (i.e. no insulting of other members), I'll allow it to continue.
  8. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    I will say the hot-button topics - especially politics and religion - are some of our most interesting and longest threads. Longest both with posts and run for a long time. Especially now that we are better at reminding people to steer away from the meltdown path.

    They do require a wise mod to keep up with them to remind people getting fired up to stay cool, and coach newbies. Someone who is good about knowing when to allow just a little latitude. If the posters think a mod would like to kill the thread that's what will happen, the posters will stop posting and we loose the benefit, so it can't be heavy-handed.

    Without good mods, and having them on quite a bit, it is hard to manage those topics to the advantage of the forum.

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