I decided to create some PSD templates and this is my 2nd one (the first one not so good, but i like this one) Please comment and give any suggestions bad or good, Also when its finished i plan on doing sub pages, About, Services and contact. When i do fully complete do you think its worthy of attempting to sell on ThemeForest as a PSD template? I'm also unsure on the name and at the moment im not to keen on the logo ive done. I also have to do the big blue box at the top which will most likely be a some sort of slider or just a general, Welcome to our host. (the speech bubble at the footer will be for testimonials) Thanks .
Thanks, It got rejected from ThemeForest and im not going to improve it so i may give it away for free on AA. Latest SS: .
If there was anything I was to complain about on it I would say I am not overly keen on the main banner images text, the drop shadow makes the text appear blurryish to me and a little hard to read. Dont ThemeForest not give you any feedback on why it was rejected, perhaps give you a few pointers or tell you what they expect of the design? Perhaps they would want more than just the homepage with some content pages? I dont know
It included the home page, About, Contact page and a pricing table.. They said the general typography and what not wasnt good which i do agree with. Im working on a business one now, and improving the text alot, I may have an SS up tonight.
They do mention layout in there too, perhaps they found that it wouldnt be really accessible for example the search bar position takes up the full document width where it could be placed elsewhere and much smaller. You could always start your own hosting business using it Looking forward to seeing some more work of yours.