Hostgator India service sucks

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Ankit, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Ankit

    Ankit Regular Member

    You can read the gamut of issues I have faced with HG India since the time I have decided to host with them.

    The attitude of the company is typified by the response of their corporate team. I am a paid customer for a dedicated server.


    Would it be possible to get more details regarding the troubles you've experienced. Speaking with our Indian office it's clear many of these accusations you've alleged regarding server issues are false. I also see that our US upper tier administrators have been working with you on the server, to correct concerns you've noted. Beyond that reviewing many of your other support tickets it's clear the issues are typically actually through mis-configuration of various sites and scripts you're working with. This does not appear to be a concern specifically with our server or the environment as you've alleged through communications with me.

    In that regard, while it's never a trouble to offer support and try and assist you with your own scripts/software, support in some ways can be limited as we're usually not the developer of the scripts. While it's clear that we've certainly been working with you, I believe it's possible that there is a false sense of expectation regarding the server and the actual support and management we provide you for that. Given you have superuser access to the server, we guarantee there is a network connection. Problems that arise in the environment are the customer's responsibility to manage and/or request support when you do need assistance.

    While I realize possibly your expectations are not quite in line with our support, ultimately if you'd like to discuss this all further with me and provide more details to your current concerns, I'll be happy to try and help resolve some of these problems. If however you still plan to migrate to another host, that's fine though I'd still like to get an idea as to what you believe the problems are specifically, so that I can at least try and work to get them addressed.

    I'll look forward to hearing more details and hopefully working towards some sort of resolution with you.

    Best Regards,
    Joshua Martin
    Customer Service Manager LLC | 1.866.96.GATOR (42867)
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    @Ankit What all happened? I remember when I had a dedicated server with Hostgator before, they would suspend by scripts that were using up high CPU. They shouldn't have touch them, which is why I moved from their services a long time ago.
  3. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Well, the first issue here is Hostgator. I mean, do any self respecting site owners actually use hostgator :p Not to bash but only to tease you a bit :p Have you considered running away from HG and perhaps using someone like servint for a VPS or even getting your own dedicated box through someone like softlayer?

    I guess if you are looking to spent $1.99 a month on hosting you have to live with the motto, "you get what you pay for".

    At one point I had 13 dedicated boxes I owned (not leased) at Peer1. I went to softlayer after and was very happy, but I also had a sys admin on hand always. If you need management you can try TSS (I have never used them) or I can link you with the sys admin I deal with. As for hosting I have a box I would consider putting you on but would only do so if I have an idea of what you are running out side of the normal stuff I deal with, like VB, sql etc, but i'm not cheap like HG and we are very selective.

    As for my comment on servint. Back in the day I used them for my first few forums. They were great until the box went down. Had I not had copies locally I would have been SOL. The same sys admin I work with now helped save my business back then when servint failed to have copies (part of service they offered) and had to replace the box. Overall, I have used HG and Servint, my own servers and softlayer, the worst by far was HG, servint and my own servers followed and Softlayer ranks #1. If it is your business you need to consider the implications of down time and failures, is it worth it to save a few bucks?
    Dan Hutter likes this.
  4. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    +1 on HG being crappy. I had a reseller account with them briefly until they closed down a very small WP powered site saying it was taxing their servers.

    +1 on ServInt from @WEfail they were an excellent provider although a bit pricy. Both MDD Hosting and EZP Hosting were good to me but pricing was a factor. I still have a reseller account at MDD.

    For the past few weeks I'm on running a VPS from TMZ VPS and they've been good so far.
  5. BMR

    BMR Regular Member

    I used HG when I first started out, and like already said you get what you pay for. Had a ton of downtime and in general the site just ran slow. Switched over to hostatom about 6 months back and couldn't be happier.
  6. Ankit

    Ankit Regular Member

    @cpvr @WEfail - I am using a dedicated server which is over 250 USD per month. The reason to go with Hostgator was that they have a datacenter in India. I am hosting in India as 90% of my traffic is in India. As of now I am using 107% of my CPU.
    cpvr likes this.
  7. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    That's another good reason to switch. What are the specs on the dedicated server anyways?
  8. Ankit

    Ankit Regular Member

    • Intel Xeon 3430
      (Quad Core)
    • 4 GB DDR2 Memory
    • 2 X 250 GB Hard Drives
    • 1,500 GB Bandwidth
    • 2 Dedicated IPs
    • FREE cPanel
    • Dedicated Account Manager
    Please note bandwith costs in India are higher than in USA
    cpvr likes this.
  9. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Why don't you just get a server that's located in the United states? Is that not allowed? I wonder if @Brandon or @Dan Hutter or @Monster know of any good ones. I personally use Knownhost and have been with them for about a year now. I recommend them - they're better than Hostgator in the sense of better support, and cheaper servers than that. Very reliable as well.
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