Host Nightmare

Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by dan213, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. dan213

    dan213 Regular Member

    Has anyone ever had a hosting nightmare? I never had a bad experience with a host as I always choose a host that is reputable but I know of some horror stories that exist with hosts.
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Same here, but back in the day when I was a newbie, I had a really horrible time with 000webhost, but yea all free hosts are like that.
  3. tech

    tech Regular Member

    right now i have been going with go daddy but there is a lot of things i can not do but i am going to go with vb software and move to Lunar pages .. my brother in law uses them they have a great rating and i can do more on lunar pages then i can with go daddy .
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea godaddy is only good for domains but not for hosting. And dont get vB. I would suggest xenForo.
  5. Hitakashi

    Hitakashi Regular Member

    Yep, Still going XD. Started around Monday, (We use a VPS) Our VPS crashed, We asked whats going on, and after alittle bit we got a reply, saying they'll check it out. Next thing we saw was a announcement saying the node crashed cause of a kernel panic. Tuesday - Still down, RAM being replaced. Late Tuesday - Node Chassis needs to be changed. Node brought to the floor. Crashed again. Wednesday - We ask for our VPS to be moved to another node, They move it boot it, It crashes the node (LOL!). They move it to a test node and see whats wrong with it.

    In the long run they made us a new VPS and transfered the accounts. Now guess what, it crashed the node AGAIN! >_> oh god. (We think it's an account) but the provider is very understanding and is still looking at what the * is wrong with it haha
  6. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Ever since the early days of Forumotion, I've always chosen who I wanted to be with carefully. My nightmarish experience was when we had downtime just about every flipping weekend. This was back before I met Ashley.S. I believe (Ash, back me up I don't know the whole thing lol!) and I remember getting complaints of, "why is the forum always offline every weekend??" How do you, as a newbie forum owner, explain that the constant downtime is not your fault. Actually, there were times when it wouldn't exactly be down, it would just be really slow and crappy to the point where I would get taken to the Qwest MSN Help Page. Or I'll get a server not found, making it look as though I had deleted the forum, which I hadn't. After a while I thought: That's it, I'm out of here! And started hunting around for another host.
  7. RNB

    RNB Regular Member

    Back when I was just starting out, I made the unfortunate mistake of using "Start Logic." It was the worst experience I ever had. One time my website went down and didn't get fixed until two weeks later. And by that time, many of my members had already left for greener pastures.
  8. Gimgak

    Gimgak Regular Member

    Once with the offshore vps host 'santex'. Everything was ok for a week and then the site went down for 4 days lol. Needless to say I got away ASAP and added another bad review to their large list :)
    Kaiser likes this.
  9. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    lol, thats why anyone should never bother with anything offshore in the first place.. they are never reliable, their security always is crap.. sites are always hacked on them. And we all know why anyone would want to use offshore hosting anyways ;)
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