Host Hunters

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Allan, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    We have some great discussions going on at Host-Hunters. While you are here check out the great hosting deals available. If you have a hosting service we encourage you to please add it to our directory.
  2. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    If you looking for hosting or to advertise your hosting services Host-Hunters is a great place for both. We have many hosts that have added their services to the directory for you to view. If you are a host please feel free to advertise your services for free.
  3. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Today is the perfect day to stop in and advertise your hosting services. There is no minimum requirements needed to do this, all you do is register and post. No gimmicks or having to make a certain post count, we want to gain as many hosts as possible to help members and guests choose a host. We currently have over 20 hosts in our directory and wanting for you to add yours.
    If you are looking for hosts whether it's shared, Reseller, Vps, Dedicated or Free we have something for you.
  4. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    We know has been awhile since we updated, and we have alot more hosts that have posted their services with great prices and packages. You should stop in and check them out. We have offers from Dedicated to free hosting. If you are a host stop to and add your services for free and no minimum posting requires. Just register and post it's that easy.
  5. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    I receive this warning when I tried to go to the site. Maybe the owner can check it out?

  6. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Ill check it out
  7. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    Thanks it is possible that it is a false positive but it is best to check it out.
  8. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    I can confirm that it's a false positive, can you please try again and let me know what happens.
    I can also say that Drivehost was able to join, so I don't think he received any error.
  9. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    No i did not receive any errors when joining
    Allan likes this.
  10. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    It seems to be ok now and apart from the 5 trackers it scans clean.

    I logged on ok then on a second attempt I received this. It is being picked up by Sophos.

    Last edited: Jun 22, 2014
  11. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    I have sent a reassessment request in and received this confirmation:
  12. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Please keep me informed about this, I know there is nothing harmful on the site and I personally check all hosts that advertise to make sure they are legit companies.
  13. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    It's been a little since you last heard from us, so we thought we would stop in and say hello. We just had a great contest where the winner won an unbranded Blesta license. We have more contests in the planning stages and one coming up very soon. We offer free advertising and free directory listing to everyone, no minimum posts required. When you get some free time and want to advertise your hosting or you are in need for a host, stop in look around see what we have to offer. If you have some spare time join in on some of our discussion.

    Have a great night
  14. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    How is everyone doing on the fine day? I hope very well.
    Just wanted to post a little update to Host-Hunters. We are in the middle of a great contest in which the winner gets a lifetime license to In the mean time we would like to ask all hosts to stop over and advertise your services for free, you can also advertise in the directory for free as well. We have added a new forum for people that are looking for hosting. All you need to do is make a quick post on what you are looking for and a host might be able to accommodate that for you. There is always great discussion going on about hosting and things in general. All we ask is if you get some spare time stop in and look around, you will be surprised on the quality and pricing of the hosts already advertised.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this update.
  15. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Thank you All, we are still alive and kicking. I just have been busy with work and college. If you are looking for a web host we ask that you please stop in and the hosts that we have to offer, great service and pricing. If you are a host then stop in and advertise your service, it's free and no minimal posts required.
  16. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Just wanted to post a little something to let you know we are still around and gathering more hosting service for guests to look through. So if you are in need of a webhost or thinking about changing stop in and check them out. Hosting services looking to advertise you are also welcome to join and post your services without any minimum post counts.
  17. Jesse Pulfer

    Jesse Pulfer Regular Member

    Check out and ! NodeBB has recently expanded its server capabilities and we are looking to develop/ host community forums! We are a new forum software ( v 0.98) and we run on node.js allowing us to be faster and use less memory!
  18. DelorasSc

    DelorasSc Regular Member

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
  19. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    I hope everyone is doing great, I wanted to post a little update about the site. We now have added some general discussion forums as well as the the hosting forums we have had. Stop in say hello and be apart of something great.

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