Do you think Host Gator is worth it? I have to say it is worth it. The prices are a bit high but I don't really mind. The uptime is just great!
I actually find their prices quite cheap, but thats just me. I am not a fan of Hostgator, they don't provide quality hosting, and are known to be trigger happy as in if you accidently go above your limits and abuse resources they will suspend you. I have seen this happen to many people.
Well, I was with Hostgator, their support sucks. I moved to Hostpolar. They suspended my site for no reason.
Ya, then years ago when we ran our myspace fansites, they suspended certain pages/turned off our scripts without telling us because they were known to cause high CPU usages.
HostGator: a company to avoid, not only are they trigger happy, but they tried to upsell me something that I did'nt want, so I just walked away.
When I was looking for hosts, Hostgator was one that was in the running, but I've heard so many bad things about them. I honestly don't think I would ever go with them unless they started changing the way they run their business (at least from what I've heard).
Don't know, I left because I did'nt want a dedicated server, I wanted a VPS and if they weren't going to offer one, why should they have me as a client as I am a strong believer of only selling things that the client wants, and not what they may need in the future, etc.
So, who are you with now, instead of Hostgator? I know my friends had a dedicated server went them, not sure if they'll still using them or not.
I use HostGator. A few weeks ago the server got really swamped after midnight every day, but lately it's been as fast as ever I wouldn't switch for a long time.
No one is telling you to, if its perfect for you than why switch? Just be careful though as you will most likely have problems in the future once your forum grows.
I was just saying I wouldn't switch as part of describing how great it was And I am aware of growth causing problems, thanks for the advice. When we get large enough to support it I will probably switch to a VPS. However at the rate we're going it will be a while lol .