
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by NnsNightshade, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. NnsNightshade

    NnsNightshade Regular Member

    Hello. My name is Shilotta but most call me Shi. I'm an admin of a media development team on a forum~. <3 I specialize in game design and whatnot.

    I'm 25 years old. I have lots of hobbies and interests, most revolving around creative artes. I have a disease called Dysautonomia. I'm married to a wonderful man who co-owns my team. I'm what most people would call gothique.

    Nice to meet all of you~ <3
  2. XuanZhongda

    XuanZhongda Regular Member

    Ah, welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay. What's dysautonomia?
  3. NnsNightshade

    NnsNightshade Regular Member

    It is a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system -- that controls heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, digestions, etc. all those body functions you don't ever have to think about that your body regulates. My typical day consists of my blood pooling in my feet until they are purple, fainting or near fainting, chest pain from tachycardia (extreme fast heart rate), hot and cold flashes, migraines, extreme low blood pressure, difficult breathing, throwing up and severe stomach pain, muscle spasms, and more strange things. I am sick nearly all the time -- even on GOOD days its because theres not as many symptoms. It also hits without warning. For a moment I feel more fine, then suddenly I am in pain or very faint, etc.
  4. XuanZhongda

    XuanZhongda Regular Member

    Oi, sounds like that sucks majorly. Sorry to hear...
  5. NnsNightshade

    NnsNightshade Regular Member

    It really does, but I manage :P Hoping they find a cure for it or it goes away on its own.
  6. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Welcome to AdminBB, and sorry to hear. I hope they find a cure, dont loose hope :) If you need any help be sure to ask :)
  7. NnsNightshade

    NnsNightshade Regular Member

    Hi thanks~ <3 I'll enjoy myself here.
    Kaiser likes this.
  8. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Please do, good to have you here :)
  9. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Where are all these new members coming from? I can't keep up :eek: anyways, Welcome to AdminBB Shi, Please enjoy your stay :)

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