
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by DeVotchKa, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. DeVotchKa

    DeVotchKa Regular Member

    Well, I guess this is where I start here. I've been looking around here for awhile and thought I ought to join, so here I am. I look forward to posting in here in the future.
  2. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Privet, Devtchonka!

    Kak dela? Nice to meet You :beer:

    I'll ask Prox to omit Your probing :lol:
  3. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Hi DeVotchKa welcome to Alien Soup. Hope to be reading many of your posts.
  4. Panache

    Panache Regular Member

    Welcome to the soup, DeVotchKa! :shake: Looking forward to your posts here. Enjoy your stay!
  5. Base1984

    Base1984 Regular Member

    Hey, welcome. Sure it will all be ok
  6. EastSide

    EastSide Regular Member

    Welcome babe! Flirting's still allowed right?
  7. DeVotchKa

    DeVotchKa Regular Member

    Not when there's a 5 year difference. haha

    And that lobo guy keeps calling me a Devtchonka! Well, right back at you buddy!
  8. icka

    icka Regular Member

    hello there :-D
  9. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Ok-ok! Devitsa! Krasavitsa!
  10. Tai

    Tai Regular Member

    Bah bachtsta!
  11. jane

    jane Regular Member

    alrighty, i'm confused. lol what is this language? what are you saying?? lol it's cool, but i'm LOST! :nuts:
  12. lobo

    lobo Guest

    That's bangla (aka bengali) from Bangladesh.
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