heya sophie. everyone, this is sophie! i invited her here. i'm gonna try and bring us a lot of new members. all the best people i know
welcome! :wave: <-- this little dude is waving, not bonking himself on the head kudos to vic for getting some new members! make sure you stick around, you'll love it.
Hey! Welcome to the soup, the madness that surrounds us all. The closest thing any of us own to a "life". Hope to see you around the forums...
Shogun: I have a life, I even have a friend, he is called Bob2 .. oh, crap .. I've given the game away.
I'd have to know their real names before I could tell you that. I've only been here a short time, so I don't know if I've ever met anybody in here before. My name's Hayden Katz, anybody recognize it? If they do, what friends did I just lose? I'm not exactly what you'd describe as "popular" Bob: You have a life?? Eviction imminent, Bob must be relieved of his posting rights! Only kidding, I have a life, recently I even had a girlfriend. Like, a real "3D" one!
I knew I shouldn't have told you guys about my life, ya see, it was being sold cheap (only $34.95 at we-are-dorks.com) so I just had to buy it!! Don't hate me!
PIT: I'm still yet to meet you or Nat. If either of you are around Melbourne Area, right down to Frankston Peninsula, I wouldn't mind setting up a meeting.
Oh, tsk tsk, us soupers are a lively bunch! Welcome Sophie, In my humble opinion, you bear one of the cutest female names in existance Welcome! KNS