Hiya Peeps... ~Waves~

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Trace, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. Trace

    Trace Regular Member

    Hello everyone... I'm Trace... I am glad that I found this site... I have been looking for a nice place to call my home ... away from home that is... so that I can meet some fun and exciting people! I have been lurking around and I think this is a lovely place to start my endeavors....

    Well... don't let me bore you to sleep... I was just saying hello to all ... and I am looking forward to an exciting time here...
  2. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Hiya Trace and welcome to our insanity. Hope you continue to enjoy yourself here. Now it is my duty to probe you so bend it over and prepare to be probed and dont worry it will only hurt a lot.
  3. Trace

    Trace Regular Member


    Oh my... thanks for the welcome... I'm sure I won't have any trouble fitting in around here!

    ~Thinks about bedning over then takes off running~

  4. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Hello, Trace!

    Nice to meet You there! :beer:
  5. Trace

    Trace Regular Member


    Hi Lobo! Nice to meet you too!
  6. Tigress

    Tigress Regular Member

    Greetings! :)
  7. Trace

    Trace Regular Member

    Heya Tigress... nice to meet you!

    How is everyone doing this lovely day? I'm peachy as always!
  8. mousefur

    mousefur Regular Member

    Welcome to the soup Trace. There's no point running from the probe....you must come to love it :lol:
  9. Trace

    Trace Regular Member


    Well I couldn't resist that one... it seemed so perfectly fit!
    :oddgrin: :lol:

  10. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Welcome to the site, we're happy you have selected us to be 'your home'. We'd love to have you, have a great stay and tell lots of friends!
  11. Trace

    Trace Regular Member

    Thanks Alien! I'm sure my friends will all follow me here! They can't live without my presence! ~Chuckles softly~

    Hello cshad... nice to meet you too!
  12. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    :welcome: :lol:
  13. Trace

    Trace Regular Member

    Thanks John... I feel really welcomed here!

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