HIYA, im new!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by twisted, Jan 27, 2004.

  1. twisted

    twisted Regular Member

    im excited to get started, and i felt great gettin abducted (lol)
    and, just go look at my profile wen u got the time, lol.
    I hope i met u around the forum!
    cya l8er!
  2. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Hey, it's good to see you drop in and introduce yourself! I hope you stick around for a while and have a great time.. Of course if you do, tell lots of friends! If you don't, we'll maybe we didn't probe you hard enough! :lol:

    Let me know if you need anything...
  3. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Hey, twisted!

    Nice to see Ya there! :beer:
  4. twisted

    twisted Regular Member

    *everybody is, like, so nice here...!*
    hope i c ya around the forum later!
  5. Enigma-X

    Enigma-X Regular Member

    Hey twisted! Welcome to the soup! *waves*
  6. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    we are suspiciously nice, aren't we.... hmm... :lildevil:

    have fun poking around, i'll catch you in the forums
  7. koehiir

    koehiir Regular Member

    :welcome: don't worry the niceness all of a sudden disappears - you'll know when.
  8. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Hi and welcome to our insanity. Hope you are enjoying your stay here. Now it is my duty to start the initiating probe. So bend it on over, and prepare to be probed.
  9. silverwings

    silverwings Regular Member

    Welcome aboard, Twisted. It's good to have you here. :bloons2: :ufo:

    Attached Files:

  10. twisted

    twisted Regular Member

    watzup with the 'probe' thingy?
  11. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Ask Prox - it is his busines
  12. twisted

    twisted Regular Member

    k, lol
  13. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    well there are a few versions and many different levels of probes. The one you just felt was the ole level 9 welcome edition. It is our most friendly probe, and should only hurt a lot. The next level is the level 9 extra splintery. This one is used when someone steps slightly out of line, and is used as a reminder of the rules around here. This one hurts a whole hell of a lot. The next type is the atomic probe. This probe in its various levels, causes a mushroom cloud to come out your mouth when inserted . . . it is very rarely used, but you can only imagine how much this one would hurt . . . I mean DAMN . . . just be sure you never feel the wrath of this probe. Anyway thats a little answer to your question.
  14. twisted

    twisted Regular Member

    whoa... ok...lol
  15. SwissSmiss

    SwissSmiss Regular Member

    man. i havent been greeting the newbies lately, have i? i'm so bad... *hangs head in shame*

    welcome, twisted :ufo:
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