
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yes, she will cause a RIOT...The Gazebo has been warned! :Coopwink:
  2. mrsheat

    mrsheat Regular Member

    LOL this place could use some shaking up... we've all gotten a too busy to stop and smell the roses around here lately....

  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Lately I've been really trying not to be so serious. I'm a serious person by nature. I think I have the sense that I have to keep a close eye on the bad things circling around in the world or they'll run amuk and attack me when I'm not looking.

    But I keep reminding myself that I have a choice as to what I let my thoughts dwell on, and that as long as I'm feeling safe, I need to choose to laugh and be silly. I think I'm learning that if I stay "battle-ready" all my life those negative elements have won and I haven't really protected myself from anything. There was a time when I needed to analyze and figure things out, but I'm past that now. Now I need to stop building the lifeboat and start enjoying the cruise.

    So if I help y'all to stop and smell the roses, y'all are helping me just as much by helping me take my eyes off the thorns! And I just love heckling y'all and giving you all cyber-pokes here and there. It cheers me up greatly. For instance, right this minute, I should be having pms, but I bet you can't even tell! Me either! It's almost like I'm a normal person!
  4. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Well I'm enjoying the cruise here! lol Glad to help you, Gina.

  5. DaveMo

    DaveMo Regular Member

    Hi Gina, welcome to the Gazebo! I'm usually the late one around here, and I guess I just proved that.

    I had to run out early Wednesday morning, rushed in to get my laptop as I was leaving, but I forgot my wireless card (and where I went, there are no networks to tagalong on).


    Dave :surprise0785:

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