
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Jul 19, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi All,
    Thanks to Bozodog's recommendation (and Hi, Nerelda! I know you, too!) I discovered this lovely place! I am a forum lurker (only joined one other) but I was so smitten by the Southern Hospitality and family atmosphere that I was compelled to join in the fun, if you'll put up with me.
    I was dragged into the computer world kicking and screaming due to the kids "needing" a computer for school, so while I do have a DummyBook education, I'm slowly figuring out how my idiot box works, thanks to a lot of help from others.
    I'm a "college degreed stay at home mom" to two "just-passed-teenager" aged kids (I still refer to them as teenagers), a hubby and spoiled dog. I dabble in anything messy and creative (gotta use that college Art Degree), which means restoring an old house, gardening, sewing costumes and building sets for High School plays, and am an assistance Dance Coach to Son's Morris/Folk Dance Team.
    I also am a Michigander (hold up right hand, I'm on the left side where the little finger starts), transplanted from Chicago many years ago. I'll bellyache all winter long, you've been warned! But it is paradise in the summer, I'm only a mile from the Lake Michigan beach.
    Also another Liz here. I sign everything just like Southern Lady Liz does, I'll try not to, but forgive me if I do. Old habits are hard to break!
    Looking forward to getting to know all of you better, although from lurking about, I feel like I already do know many of you! Be easy on me!

    Another Liz
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hello and welcome. I am sure you will enjoy your time spent with us.
  3. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    :17: Liz from MI and I know about where you are from. Now, IF you drive down along the edge of that pinky almost the end where MI and OH meet...I'm 15 miles north of the border. We are on the edge of Lake Erie and claimed by Metro Toledo more than Metro Detroit altho both claim us. We get more accurate reporting out of Toledo on LOCAL stuff! LOL

    Both of my daughters (actually stepdaughters) are out of the house as well. One is 21 and the other is 19. But this *idiot* box didn't come along because of them. I came along thru the idiot box. Long story. You see, I've been fascinated with these things since 1995. Now, my husband and I have a side business building them and I help clean spyware off them as an ASAP member. When my husband and I first married, he knew everything about the computer. NOW, he's asking me questions! :RFYL:

    You can either sign yourself Another Liz or LizMI, either way will work. And I really should start signing mine Liz aka southernlady since we are going to get bigger and bigger and we will start getting double and triple names around here. Liz
  4. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Hello and :welcometo Another Liz! Sounds like you have a wonderful life going for you up there in MI. I'm from New Jersey. I LOVE this *idiot* box cause it brought me to Liz. :friendly:

    I thought my original intro post was still listed, but I guess in all the shuffling Liz has done, it got lost. So here's some info about me and mine... I'm married almost 20 years (October) to my wonderful dh, Jack, and we have a 17 yo dd Laura. She's about to embark on a college education, leaving us empty-nesters. Odd feeling! My dh has 2 kids from his first marriage, Michael (32) and Allison (29). We also have a 7(?) yo dog, Maxwell, who looks like a yellow lab but is much smaller. He's great and has a wonderful personality. Hope this helps you getting to know me.

    Hope you jump right in and join the posting! Carol
  5. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    No, Carol, it's still there but it's over 30 days old now. Liz
  6. bozodog

    bozodog Regular Member

    Yippie! Blim is here!


    Hiyas! Sure glad you stopped by. Sit down, put your feetup, and have a cuppa something. I know you're gonna like it around here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2014
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi Another Liz! LOL I thought that was you, but wasn't too sure. I know you will definately like it here.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome another Liz. Hope to see ya around.
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi 'Another Liz'! Nice to meet you. I'm Suzi and I too love the *idiot box*; in fact I love that term for the thing! I've made quite a few friends because of it. I haven't even been through the 'dummy stage' though when it comes to the techie stuff; my brain just will not wrap itself around understanding it. Since my bio is also over 30 days and probably in hiding as Carol's, I'll just give you a brief on me. I've been married to my absolutely wonderful dh for 20 years (this past March) and we have 5 children. Technically we are a yours, mine & ours, but as far as all of us are concerned we are one family. The kids have never used step or half in referring to each other and just refer to us as their parents. The kids: Crystal - 35, Matt - 33, Melanie - 32, Michael - 30, and the baby, Stacie, who turned "sweet" (well she does have her moments!) 16 this past May. We live in a rural area of VA, about halfway between DC and Charlottesville. We also have 7 grandchildren thanks to Crystal, Matt & Melanie. Mike hasn't started yet, but hopefully he and his wife will soon! I too am a SAHM - something I love being; but I will have to go back to work in the near future. Dh is planning to retire in July '07 and I'll need to provide insurance.

    Glad to have you and hope to get to know you better.
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Wow! Thanks for the great welcome! Now I feel like I know you all even better.
    Son just walked in, asking, "what's that?" After I told him it was a computer monitor(!), I told him about this place. He became "very interested" when I mentioned I saw an arcade button. So, if you see "me" in the arcade, it's him! :-)

  11. DaveMo

    DaveMo Regular Member

    Welcome, Liz! You'll really enjoy Liz's forum and Liz, and I'm sure you'll find that out....Liz! :kewlpics:

    All these years, I've been holding up my left hand. Maybe it's because I don't live there. Anyway, if you go down the wrist to the elbow, make a hard left towards the shoulder, I'm about halfway there in "Almost Heaven". And no, that is not the arm pit!


    Dave :D
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    LOL, Dave.....I have a feeling we'll get along just fine. To the rest of you, consider this a warning.....:thumbsup:


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