
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Jun 21, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I was born and grew up in Alabama; now, I am living in SC with my son. A brief (9 years) stay in Oklahoma convinced me I wanted to come back to the Deep South. I am retired on disability and the computer is my source of entertainment as well as education. :1book: This seems to be a great forum and I intend to visit often.
  2. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Welcome Suebaby and you are from mine and my husband's neck of the woods. I grew up in SC, he grew up in AL. If you want to see where, go here: The Charles Ramsey Family. I understand wanting to be back home!

    I'm glad you joined us...I'm another one on SSDI. I keep myself occupied this way and give back to the community this way.

    :welcomebo Glad you joined us. Liz
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thank you so much for sharing with me. I feel like I know you. I really enjoyed getting to know you through your wedding pictures and the rest. Thanks again.:TY:
  4. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Welcome, Suebaby! Where in SC are you living now? My mom lives in eastern NC. Dh and I are hopefully (this is the keyword) going to be able to retire down there when we settle issues with his elder daughter and my mom. lol Carol
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I live in Lexington, SC. I really cannot tell where Lexington and Columbia begin and end. SC is a very pretty state. I am enjoying the trees and the water. Oklahoma had stubby trees and few lakes. I have driven through North Carolina but I have never visited there. What I saw was pretty. Of course, I think anything and everything in the South is pretty. I do hope you get to retire in NC. I am retired on Social Security Disability and enjoy the retirement.
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome to the forums. I spent a few years living in Orlando, gotta love southern hospitality.. :thumbup:

  7. DaveMo

    DaveMo Regular Member

    Hi Sue,

    I get the privilege of saying "Welcome" to you again! Welcome!

    Dave :D
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thank you.:thankyou:
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome Sue. Hope to see ya around.
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Glad to meet you. you can get to know my wife and I at http://www.bandoly.com it needs to be updated very badly, maybe i'll get time to do that this weekend.

    glad to have you.
  11. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    You could always let Leah take over the site, Ken...as long as she doesn't have to use FP...I can help her learn html and so can Kat! Liz
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    hey, i'm all for it, in fact even suggested it a time or two. But i may have gotten in the way a time or two. not to mention the fact that the site has been down for over a week, i'm not saying how i fixed it... just that it came to me in my sleep last night and took less than 30 sec. to fix. But it's back up now.
  13. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    IF she is going to do it...YOU are gonna have to step back and let her and NOT insist on using FP or dreamweaver or any of those IMPOSSIBLE to understand when you are a beginner products! I didn't get to those until I was well into my 3rd or 4th year of coding. Liz
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I'd like to know what this quick fix was!!! Especially since he's been stressing over the site being down. Especially since almost all of my family has been bugging me about it being down!!! Thanks for the help Liz. Now that I know it's working again I think I may go play and try to figure it out. :BIO: As long as I don't save anything he can't hurt me. Unless I decide to save it because I did it right!!! Now that I know he has the site up I'll try to get him to take more pictures so everyone can see what I look like now in my 7th month of pregnancy!!!

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