
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by painogb, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    That's a very good question. I haven't decided on that yet. I was actually thinking about my hip where no one would see it but me (and if he's GOOD, MrD!!!:p )
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks for the link! I've added it to my Favorites, but looked at it really quickly. I think I saw the basis pretty much of what I want. It's the Celtic trinity knot.
  4. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    hip is good,,but,,on ankles it looks good on woman,as long as it is not like a dragon with a knife thur the eyes,,lol
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    No - this would be smaller and very tasteful. It'll definitely be Celtic and involve zodiac signs.
  6. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    my next one,,which will be my last,,will be a 9-11 memorial,,the towers,the head of our eagle,the lady,our flag will be in there,as well as 2 fighter jets,as thats what i seen 9-11 in the sky,,it will be a bit big,cover alot of my back,,,when the guy draws it,i will try and scan it and post it.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Sounds like you have it planned out. Also sounds like it will hurt a bit!
  8. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    i will have in done in 4 parts,, 2 hrs each
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    That's a lot of work. I don't know if I could stand it. I've heard that getting a tattoo on the ankle can be painful. I just can't decide....
  10. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    only a small bit,,the pain will be short for you
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I went with my son when he got his first tattoo, just to see how everything worked. He said there was really no pain until they got closer to his shoulder blade. Even then, he said it wasn't bad.
  12. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    after 2 hrs non stop.it hurts every where
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Sounds like fun to me... NOT (a Borat reference...)
  14. Pyxidragon

    Pyxidragon Regular Member

    Actually, the tattooing isn't that bad. My mother in law has them around her wrist and on the back of her neck. She says the latter hurt more than the former.

    (Yes, I've got mine too, but it's on a fleshy area.)

    And really, you'll probably want to ask around, see who people recommend. It's easier to find an artist with a lighter touch that way.
  15. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    Personally I've been told that piercings can be WORSE than tattoos..

    and I've had a sore one done, its called your tragus and it's basically cartilige.

    Lol I also plan to have my second eyebrow piercing, a lip and several ear piercings..

    XD as long as you think its worth it then, why not?
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You need to be carefull with cartilage piercings. They can become very infected and cause a lot of problems. I'd think an eyebrow piercing would hurt like hell!! Not my thing - I have 5 percings in each ear, but that's as far as I go. I have the name of very reputable people for tattoos. Ever hear of the TV show "Miami Ink"? There's a place not far from here where one of the guys on that show used to work.

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