MrsD, I've decided rather then send each one an email, i'm going to visit each member either at their home, place of business...or some other random place like the supermarket or bar they frequent. I think that kinda personal touch should make them feel special...or stalked :-O Actually, it might be a good time to send out an issue of The Bash newsletter.
Nice pic, Nighty! and YES - I'll go to Great Britain and drag you back myself!! We're hoping to be planning a trip to Ireland again soon - stopping by Scotland to see a friend, so we'll put you on the list as well!!
Thankyou it's naturally reddish, not orange but after having purple I let it grow alittle bit then dyed it to make it dark/deep red.
Well, it looks great on you! My hair has always been that color as well, but now I have blonde highlights in it.
I hate blonde...dunno it always makes me look stupidly pale. Dark reds and purples seem to be the best colour for moi.
No, no, no, redneck! Some of the best color jobs have purple in them!! Seriously - my hairdresser uses it all the time.
no,,i am sorry,the one guy in the tattoo shop has purple hair,what a complete joke he looks like.i only like the color you born with,i am not a big make-up fan either,,what happened to your tattoo idea
Not "Barney purple" - more like a deep burgundy!! You ding dong!!! I as a rule don't wear makeup to work but I DO like to get dressed up like a big girl from time to time!! It's then that I'm thankfull for my stash of cosmetics! MrD couldn't care any less if I wore makeup or not. My tattoo idea is still on the back burner. He's not all that wild about the idea, and I haven't perfected the design yet. I have to feel TOTALLY happy with it before I commit myself.