
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by onlynameicanget, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. onlynameicanget

    onlynameicanget Regular Member

    First post, of course - 'tis why I'm here.

    I've been looking around these forums for a while now, and thought I might as well join. I look forward to posting more in the future :)
  2. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Welcome to Alien Soup. Hope to be reading many of your posts.
  3. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member


    frequently people who lurk and then join only post once! why is that? prove me wrong and break the pattern!

    let us know if you need anything :)
  4. onlynameicanget

    onlynameicanget Regular Member

    There ya go :D

    No, actually, I'll be posting quite a bit more soon. :)
  5. jane

    jane Regular Member

    Welcome to the Soup! :D It's great here, you'll have fun :)
  6. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Good morning, onlynameicanget!

    Nice to meet You there! :beer:

    Hmm ... that's long name ...
  7. polaris_nine

    polaris_nine Regular Member


    Welcome to the soup, and enjoy your stay!

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