Yep, another newbie. I've been lurking around for a little while and like what I've seen. Just lookin' for a place to kick back and relax for a bit.
Welcome to our website, where probes are in great supply and groans are never heard! Have a great time on our site, we look forward to your active participation!
Ahhh tis a friendly family place *falls about laughing* Welcome Tig, come on in the [strike]water's[/strike] soup's lovely
Very glad you could join us, and that you are adding fresh flesh into the fun 'n' notables posts..... hurrah! They probed you yet?!
Greetings Tigress, welcome to the soup. Now it is my duty to issue the initiation probe, so bend it on over and prepare to be probed, and dont you worry too much, it only hurts a lot.