Hi there everyone :)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, May 1, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Well..surprise surprise....I kinda stick out like a sore thumb. Why??? Firstly I'm a male :D Secondly, I'm prolly young enough to be your son :P I'm 23.

    Just graduated a couple of days ago which some of you would've known...in Commerce(accounting)/Law double degree. Have my own site and forum http://decentdownloads.x-istence.com as well as a wallpaper site http://qualitywallpapers.x-istence.com Yes...I'm an expert spammer ;)

    Well, great job with the board Liz...see you around :)
  2. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Well , Congrats!

    I didn't know you JUST graduated! That's great and with a double major like that!!


    WAY to GO, COATHANGER!!! Liz
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2014
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    hehe...thanks heaps Liz. Now on to the next stage in life...wonder what awaits around the next corner? :D
  4. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Just wanted to give you this one too, Coathanger, for all you've done in the past with the help you gave my hubby and I with the logo with our business. I happened across it today and thought of you:


    And for all the helpful suggestions you've given me about web site promotion as well. Thanks. Liz
  5. Kathy

    Kathy Regular Member

    Ah, to be 23 again, eh Liz? How sweet it is!

    And yes coathanger, my two will be 28 and 26 this year. Yikes!
    I don't know where time flies and it goes faster every year! LOL!

    You're at just the right age for a quote I found years ago.
    "Live and savor every minute. This is not a dress rehearsal."
    Best wishes for a very bright future coathanger! (None of that
    spammer stuff though!!!)
  6. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member


    Oh I don't know, Kathy...if my body was that age but my mind was where it is now...but I think we've had these discussions before, haven't we???? Liz
  7. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    CONGRATULATIONS, Coathanger!!! That is a major accomplishment...a double major at the age of 23. Fantastic! I wish you the best of luck.

  8. DaveMo

    DaveMo Regular Member

    Hi CoatHanger,

    Another guy here, but I am old enough to have a son your age. As a matter of fact, I do (he'll be 23 in November). The other son is 20. Hmm, I started to feel old.

    Congrats on the degrees, and I'm checking out your sites.

    Dave ;D

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