Hi there, I am new to this board (sorta). I work with another DJ/KJ on this board and have been filled in about a lot of things going on here. But rather than listening to the old man I figured straight from the horses mouth was better. I see I have a lot of catching up to do. A little about myself. I started DJing in high school and after I hit bar age started working as a subcontractor. That was about 9 years ago. I am a STRONG PROPONENT of being LEGAL. If the "man" wants me to dance in circles, knitting socks, while singing the national anthem I will only ask him to turn up the reverb. Pirates kill prices. I am glad to be working with someone who feels the same. I also am very happy to get to know people as my boss is not the best teacher in the world (self described) and I think this could be a good place for me to pick up some information. I love what I do and I love the people who come out to sing. In the end, all drama aside, it is all about the music (and the $$$)! TTFN
Welcome to the Board!!! Just a hint, get your first 10 posts in quick so you get access to everything....
Oh man, my cover is blown. Ha ha. Steve has been talking about you guys for a while now! I can't wait to get to know everyone better. Now I am going to have to read even more to see what has been said about me. Probably that I am a bit of a stickler for the rules.
Thanks for the help with the Zero Tolerance thing. I found a whole bunch more to help me navigate. Pretty soon I will be ready to take of the floaties.
Thank you much. It is nice for you to say hello. I too am glad to see other women on here. We are a strange bunch aren't we.
Welcome to the land of OZ, and remember, pay no attention to the man behind the curtan. Glad to have you here. Another fresh prospective is always welcome.
No stranger than the rest of us! Welcome! It'll be great to be able to attach a personality to a well known name! :biggrinpill:
Hey June welcome to the site, sorry I didn't respond (I was on time out in the corner):biggrinpill:. June and her other half Dustin have functioned as KJs and DJs for me for years.