I'm foreveranoob. I came up with that name because I just got into forums a year ago and crash my forum almost weekly with stupid noob mistakes of epic proportions. Somehow, I have 1700 members and growing with an avg of 18,000 pageviews per day. I chalk that up to the awesome moderators that I have who kep interesting topics flowing like a digital stream, catching new members in their wake. Pretty cool forum you guys have going here and thought I would join and take part as some of the "other" admin forums don't seem to like noobs too much. I'll read the rules and do my best to respect them and be a contributing member. I don't know w=how to code, don't wtite any script and SQL sounds like a class that I skipped in college while taking bong hits in the dorm. But I do know a little about SEO, and alot about what attracts new members to a forum, and what scares them away. I'm Foreveranoob, at your service., And I'll share my weekly battles to make make forum Admin work my single source of revenue right here, if that's ok with you.