Hey, my name is Dan and I'm new here. I'm 16, I live in Ann Arbor Michigan and I'm a senior in highschool. I know you all shall love me.
Hi, tunnel_rat, and welcome to the Soup! What lobo is referring to is the piggybank icon at the top right of the page. If you click on it, you can donate to the Soup! But first take your look around for a couple of weeks or months and see if you like it. :nod:
hi im cav nice to meet you hopefully i get to talk to you more im in iraq right at the moment but anyways hi
Thank you all so much for the warm welcomes. I never felt so welcomed in a community before (not even in my own neighborhood). I feel very much at home here I'd much like to get an Alien Soup T-Shirt if only they had them in a darker colour.