Hi all

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Debby, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. Debby

    Debby Regular Member

    I posted a huge reply to come back here, and hoped you all remembered me........and danged if it didn't get lost in cyber space........don't you hate that when you type and type and pour your little heart out and then it gets lost???????????? Long story short..............used to come here.......years ago.......and miss it. I even used to have my pic posted in the gallery here......but anyway......things got hectic, had a baby......she is beautiful.......takes up most of my time now.......she is 4......has a rare eye disorder....Pray for Amber....her vision at her last appt. (last week) in her left eye was much better........20/70.......which is AWESOME compared to 1/400 (worse than legally blind) the first time, and 20/125 the last time.....but the Dr. said her left eye is still turning in alot and decided to go ahead with the surgery.....he is going to operate on both eyes, because otherwise they won't work together like ours do. So I am worried, of course. I know God is with us, and fear is of the devil. Say a prayer. From what I gather, it is unusual for as much progress to have been made, epecially in such a short time, with people with Morning Glory Syndrome. (a rare birth defect of the eye or eyes) Dr. Suh is just wonderful, and also will be doing the surgery. Amber likes him so much that the other day she told me that she missed him! Of course, I am giving God the glory for her rapid improvement!! (and am trying not to worry, but it is hard.) *hugs* Anyway, I could really use some friends.......so if anyone cares....I would love to be a part of this community again..........I am only online once or maybe twice a week, but will reply if anyone wants to communicate with me. I am rather depressed and feel old these days........i am going to be 42 in Oct. I hate that.
  2. sara

    sara Regular Member

    Hi there Debby

    Sorry your having a difficult time right now. I`m very new here. Time is limited at the moment to reply to your post.

    For the moment.. Just remember.

    No day is the same as the day before.


    Will reply later.. Be well
  3. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Welcome back Debby, you are most definatly welcome as a part of our community, and I am sorry to hear about your daughter. Hopefully the dr's are able to help her.

    I gave up on god a little while ago, but I do strongly believe that positive thoughts can do nothing but good, so I definatly send all my positive thoughts towards you and your family.
  4. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Hi Debby nice to meet you. Hope to be reading many of your posts. I will say a prayer for your daughter Debby that everything turns out well.

    So you think that 42 is old? lmao I'm 49 and still feel like I'm in my 20's. Oh I know how to make you feel better.

    Hey prox since Debby has been gone for such a long time, doesn't she deserve to be probed again? Hmmmmm? I mean Debby comes on board this space ship, claiming her old room and job. In my opinion I think a good examination will put her in a good mood, wouldn't you agree?

    Welcome aboard Debby. :D :lol:
  5. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Good point . . . Prepare for a probing examination . . . I will only use the mild splinter version just to take it easy on a returning member, but don't let that fool you, this will hurt a lot.
  6. spidergoolash

    spidergoolash Regular Member

    hi debby> i remember you :) man, that WAS a long time ago. welcome back! and i'll say a prayer for your daughter - everything's going to be fine!!
  7. Panache

    Panache Regular Member

    Welcome back, Debby! Sorry to hear about your daughter... hope everything works out with the situation!
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi, Debby! I don't remember you, but that's probably because I wasn't here yet! Anyway - I'll remember you from now on! Good thing you came back - the people here will keep you cheered up and spirited. I'm sure Amber will be fine. Sounds like she has a great doctor and a lot of positivity in her life.

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