Hello, My name is Joe. I'm a website owner/admin. Do a lot of work on SMF, and more recently Xenforo. I've had experience in various sites and work with individuals to start and run their own websites. Although I'm a bit retired from the forum setup business, now I just try to run my 5 boards as efficiently and nicely as possible ... without my head exploding. All in all, glad to find somewhere that is full of people that know the headaches of being an admin.
Welcome to the forums @Eoj Nawoh How long have you been running forums, are your 5 sites very active? Enjoy your stay and I'm looking forward to reading your post and any suggestions to help others run a successful forum.
I've been running my SMF forums since 2004-5. And the rest between then and now. They've had different variations of activity. There's been a few others during that time, but I only run the 5 now. There's definitely been ups and downs but looking forward to learning and spreading any knowledge I can.