Hey !

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Hell on Earth, Sep 23, 2001.

  1. Fire Lizard

    Fire Lizard Regular Member


    :beer: I cant exactly welcome u, cause im newer then you, but its great to know that there is someone here i can trust other then vic, i can trust u right? *Grimmly looks to Hell on Earth* Hmm...i dont know...any how the ol' liz has made it to another forum, u know, i think were a good team, i meen, our names kinda fit together...
  2. victoronehalf

    victoronehalf Regular Member

    Hey everyone, this is my buddy Liz. Despite his name, he's a guy. Kinda odd if you ask me. BTW, maybe you should choose an avatar. Just go to customize, you'll find them...
  3. YesIndeed

    YesIndeed Regular Member

    Welcome FL!! AlienSoup is ruled by Alien of course!

    The moderators are OverLords and the administrator (Alien) is the OverMind. :)

    Hope you enjoy your stay here!!:D
  4. Hell on Earth

    Hell on Earth Regular Member

    well that clears it up, and YO FireLizard!:beer:
  5. SwissSmiss

    SwissSmiss Regular Member

    geez! these newbies have such scary names! *cowers*

    welcome. :ufo: please dont hurt me!!!

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