Hey !

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Hell on Earth, Sep 23, 2001.

  1. Hell on Earth

    Hell on Earth Regular Member

    Hey everyone, I saw a post by vic and i decided to follow around like a good sheep.

    well i think ill post a lot, it looks like a nice place!:beer:
  2. Alien

    Alien Regular Member


    I'm happy you visited us, and I hope you have an enjoyable stay here...

    If you need anything, please don't hesitate to contact a staff member.

    I hope you choose to spread the word too! :D

  3. Alyth

    Alyth Regular Member


    Glad you stopped by and I hope to be seeing you around again :)
  4. victoronehalf

    victoronehalf Regular Member

    Welcome HOE. See, you don't have to have a title to promote Alien Soup...
  5. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Welcome to our insanity. Hope you stay a while.
  6. YesIndeed

    YesIndeed Regular Member

    Welcome!! Might I reccomend that you tell everybody if you're a guy or a girl now, so there's not future confusion!! *looks around meaningfully*
  7. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Just click on HIS profile. ;)
  8. YesIndeed

    YesIndeed Regular Member

    :lol2: Man... I always get it wrong! *Is glad I didn't make an assumption like last time* :D
  9. jadedskies

    jadedskies Regular Member

    Welcome to the Soup. :)
  10. Bob

    Bob Regular Member

    Nat: LoL .. hey, that was only once, and it wasn't you I got mixed up with. :)
  11. Hell on Earth

    Hell on Earth Regular Member

    i guess ill stick around, since everyone seems nice :)
    when is the main page gonna be back? i really wanna check it out.
  12. victoronehalf

    victoronehalf Regular Member

    It's been a WHILE since it's been up, HoE. As in, for the five months i've been here, it's been down.
  13. Bob

    Bob Regular Member

    Yeah, its been quite a long time since the main page has been around, stay tuned though because it will be back soon .. !!
  14. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    well actually there's never *been* a main page, in the capacity that it will exist shortly. it used to just be an intro page to the forums. soon it will be much much more.

    welcome to hell on earth! not that we would welcome hell if it came to earth, but someone named hell on earth is okay in my book.. you get the idea

    hi! :wave:
  15. Bob

    Bob Regular Member

    Yeah, but there was a sort of a portal page to the forums where you could access your pms and profile info and whatnot ..
  16. Hell on Earth

    Hell on Earth Regular Member

    dont get too technical with my name,... it will confuse you :lol:
  17. Shogun

    Shogun Regular Member

    Welcome to the almighty Alien Soup. I, Shogun am the ruler of this immense land....
    *And then I wake up*
  18. Bob

    Bob Regular Member

    Shogun: ruler of this immense land .. yeah, right! :P
  19. Hell on Earth

    Hell on Earth Regular Member

    so who IS the ruler here???:confused:
  20. KNSinatra

    KNSinatra Regular Member

    Who is the ruler? Well, AlienSoup, is Alien's soup, but we'd all like to think we rule little parts of it here and there :)



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