Hey yah!!!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by hon1007, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. hon1007

    hon1007 Regular Member

    how you doin guys? im leo, and im new to this forums, i hope i can mixed well to all the forumsters. i know i have lots of things to learn here in this forum. thanks and god bless to all.
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Hey there :) Welcome to adminbb :)
    hon1007 likes this.
  3. hon1007

    hon1007 Regular Member

    thanks master, i hope i can meet new friends and find interesting topics which will help me improve my knowledge as an individual.
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Sure, if you need anything just ask :)
  5. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Welcome to AdminBB, please enjoy your stay :)
  6. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    welcome, hope you enjoy.
  7. hon1007

    hon1007 Regular Member

    thanks for all the people who reply to this post. im pretty sure ill enjoy staying here in the forums. you got so many interesting topics and i can learn so much things that i need to know. thank you very much.
    Ashley.S. likes this.
  8. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Thanks again for the compliment. We look forward to it :)

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