Hey there, Brogan!!!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Mar 4, 2007.

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  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I wanna say Welcome the the Bash, and I REALLY mean that but how the hell did you get by me in less than 24 hours with 66 posts??!?? Good for you!!! We're glad to have you with us!!! :wave: :toothy12:
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thank you, mrsd607, for the warm welcome. I do see that there has been a rather cold reception by some of the other posters, however. Perhaps, given time, they will not feel so hostile.
  3. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    mrsd..it is chris and irish
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Haldol? Thorzine? Is there a doctor in the house? Call 911 we have a runner!
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Those are very powerful drugs, Granualie.

    Not to mention the fact that when taken in excess, internal bleeding can occur.

    I did watch a documentary not too long ago on that very subject. Internal bleeding, that is. It is terrifiying to know that some medications, produced to be of life-saving value, could be in turn used to kill.

    A little off topic but I'm on a roll:

    I did know of a woman who was an alcoholic. Such a poor dear, passing in and out of rehab like it was a revolving door. Her doctor prescribed her some medication to help wein her off of the booze. Little did he know that she had suicidal tendencies. One sunny day she decided to take one too many of her little green pills. End of story. Quite literally. A neighbor found her 2 weeks later deceased on the bathroom floor.
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Oh, by the way, Granualie, have I told you how much I enjoy your signature?
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    OK - everybody BEHAVE!!
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Do behave! Good old Michael Myers in the "Spy that Shagged Me" or something along those lines.

    Queen Diamond, it sounds like your lady in your story was taking a TCA (tricyclic antidepressant) perhaps Tofranil. If so this TCA when taken while consuming alcohol can cause cardiac arrhythmia and /or seizures.

    It is possible that she ingested more than the prescribed dose and suffered ventricular tachycardia. Without immediate intervention (I take it she was alone) she didn't have a hope in hell of surviving.

    In addition if she had any unprescribed MAO inhibitors on board, that coupled with imipramine (Trofranil) would trigger a serotonin syndrome episode resulting in death!

    Either way and there may be many other contributing factors, such as the health of the woman's liver ( she was an active alcoholic, right?), that could have caused her unnatural death.

    Doctors these days do not follow up on patients as they should. The woman needed to be monitored. Most antidepressants that are prescribed are lethal in the wrong hands. Many actually can trigger the emergence of suicidality!

    Did you know that grapefruit juice may inhibit the metabolism of some TCAs and clinical toxicity may result?

    It is not a matter of writing a prescription and washing your hands of the patient once they have left the office. However, many doctors never give it a second thought.

    Until those taking the medications prescribed by their doctors become educated in what they are swallowing, unfortunately there will be more premature deaths occurring.
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    We seem to be playing BA tag, Granualie! Where ever art thou?

    Yes, this woman was a life-long alcoholic. And she was on more than one antidepressant. She lived alone for years after her husband divorced her. He could not take the alcoholism. This,coupled with the fact that she would steal to support her habit, was enough to drive him over the edge. But he loved her! Paying her rent and utilities until the day she died! How is that for loyalty? He loved her but could not live with her. So tragic!
  10. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    tag,,i like tag
  11. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    It sounds pathetic really. He was enabling her. Perhaps if all bills had not been paid by someone, she would have had to take control of her life. He, in my opinion didn't do her any favors.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    O please Lenny get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    i have a great one.thank you
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yes, you are right, O' Wise Granualie. He did serve her didn't he? But this just goes to show you that love has no boundaries. Although, in this case, he should have just grabbed his luggage and never looked back.
  16. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    Brogan and red

    play nice or don't play at all.

    Red stop spamming with your signature.

    If you need help, I will.
  17. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    i need help then
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    In complete fairness, I don't think red was "spamming" with his signature. Although I guess it was a pretty fair assessment from a review of the past. I don't think this is an encore.
  19. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

  20. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I understand that. I just call 'em as I see 'em.
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