what's up everyone. just decided to join, i heard of the place from wiredgamers. i'm an smod over there, and decided to join since our place is a little slow :doh: haha i love these smilies, they're a hoot
heh, you should feel right at home here, considering wiredgamers stole our design. We won't hold you personally responsible though. Welcome.
haha we stole yours? i do believe our design was up and running before this one was.... but i could be mistaken and i do feel right at home, it's practically the same thing except a lot more...green... EDIT: hi waterb
I don't know about "stole", but the similarities are definitely there. I worked with Alien throughout the design process, so I know where progress was being made. AFAIK, everything put on here was original in terms of layout, as I was following it from the beginning. It's also eerie as to how many additional rips have surfaced since we went live with the new design. But your from College Park, so I'll cut you some slack. I'm a former Terp myself.
GINA, you didn't mention that you super-mod at my web site! Mine is being designed by Dameon too! :-P Just playin' Welcome to the Soup! Enjoy your stay, and remember, Ain't nothin' like chicken on a string.
Welcome to our insanity. Now its time for the traditional probing. So grab those ankles and prepare to be probed, dont worry it will only hurt a lot
Welcome ... Welcome ... :beer: And You Prox ... too ... Welcome ... All set ... Bring insanity on ... :lol:
Wow Gina, seems like you're following me around...WiredGamers, Winsectors, and now Alien Soup Our minds think alike when it comes to good forum hunting (this is cP by the way, if you hadn't guessed)
yeah i saw your thread earlier, the name confused me at first diesel, how long ago did you go there? it's my 3rd year coming up *grabs ankles for prox* ouch!
Hey welcome, GINA! Another familiar name I remember from WG, I'm happy you decided to visit us! Let me know if there's anything you need and I'll make it happen! -Jason
I was there in '92/'93. I was actually down there about 6 months ago on a business trip to DC. Stopped off in College Park for lunch at Bentley's. Also stopped by the old fraternity house to say hello to a bunch of guys who had no idea who I was. :lol:
LOL Welcome! I'm glad you came by! Enjoy your abduction. Don't worry, you can wander all you like, but once you get probed there's no turning back!
Just wanted to make note of something from earlier in your thread to avoid confusion to others... Just a little backstory. Yes WG was the first site design done, there was some confusion about rippers but it's all clarified now.. No one between AS or WG ripped off each other, we're all created by the same people as you already know. A couple of people joined here to let me know of the rippers, who are also members of WG. The rippers are actually overseas for the most part, and have ripped WG, AS, digikitten, and many other sites and offer the designs for free and have no lives. Oh, we have no lives either, but we're MUCH MUCH cooler. GINA: Again, welcome to the evil family! -Jason
A very belated welcome to you, Gina! A welcome after already being sigged - now *there's* the true paradox Enjoy this place, i know you will!! KNS