Hrmph. See who gets poked in the butt with a pitchfork, taz. By the way, I'm in Florida, too And welcome, JOe! ---------------------------- And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. ~ Rev. 21:4
you wouldn't poke me...I'm a devil too...a taz devil, but a devil all the same...besides, you CAN'T poke me...I'm a princess.... ---------------------------- "No man can be condemed for owning a dog. As long as he has a dog, he has a friend; and the poorer he gets, the better friend he has." - Will Rogers
let's see, that means swimmers, psycho, nap, kezzer, JOe, and I are all here. the ones kicked off of the other forum: psycho, nap, and I the ones that weren't: swimmers, kezzer, and JOe. hmmmmmm, interesting
and your point being? There ones who were kicked have the advantage, cuz ******* isn't luxery, like this here soup bowl that we'll all drown in! *tries to think of the point in me saying this...* *shrugs* ---------------------------- This has been a post from Trumpet Spectacular! You should feel very honored that you have the chance to read it!
HI SWIMMERS!!!!!!! glad to see you found us...feels just like home. ~Space 'K' Horizon ---------------------------- Outta this world!
I haven't been kicked off yet! I am a reg in there and the highest ranking official... almost anyway... ~Space 'K' Horizon.....aka.....karenluvs6 ---------------------------- Outta this world!
karenluvs6!!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!!!! How ya been!?!?!? WOw, looks like ******* isn't gonna have much business soon!!!!! Wow man...this is cool! Hey Alien, you got a good crew comin in!!!!!! ---------------------------- This has been a post from Trumpet Spectacular! You should feel very honored that you have the chance to read it!
I have been just fine Nap! just looking for a 'cool' place to hang out. been here for a couple weeks....just wasn't in for a bit, that's all. I'm back with a vengeance though! Hope you've been well....I've missed reading your posts.. ---------------------------- Outta this world!
I am just what the name implies...invisible... Check your PM scarier... Oh what fun we will be having!
Karenluvs6!!! You've joined us too? Woohoo!!! I read your "I'm almost the highest ranking official there..." and I was thinking "uh-oh, it's probably ********" But it's not! So yay!
So I see the ***** has become popular here! Yeah, I know who you're talking about Psycho..thank god too! At first I thought Invisible Gaze mighta been ***** but luckily it's not! I've been good too agent K (space K Horizon)! ---------------------------- This has been a post from Trumpet Spectacular! You should feel very honored that you have the chance to read it!
Thankies.....Psycoticickything! I'm glad to be here... I don't know for sure that I am highest ranking official...I was just joshing. Who knows, maybe I am.....I know that I am the only one of my species....and I have the most *****...ooh...that would be giving just a little too much away now wouldn't it?!?!?! ---------------------------- Outta this world!
Just joshing??????? That a metaphorical term? ---------------------------- This has been a post from Trumpet Spectacular! You should feel very honored that you have the chance to read it!
Ahh...deepest relief. It's so good to have all these people here. Oh, and by the way, for any of those who didn't know, I was CommunistPanda on *******.