Hey!!! All

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by smithcomputer, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. smithcomputer

    smithcomputer Regular Member

    Well, Hey there all! Let me tell you about myself. I am a 49 year old open minded individual, ready and willing to try new things, meet new people and build on the experiences that this road trip called life can offer. I am a non traditional college student learning the ins and outs of Computer Networking and Security while earning my AA degree. I plan on achieving a Masters in Computer Science Information Technology. My interests are many and include the usual; women, sex, parties, camping, fishing etc. I am also an Amateur Radio Operator, a couch surfer, a Christian/Wiccan Solitary and have a strong interest in Quantum Physics. I am a member of the Science Club, in which I've had the honor of serving as President. I was also elected to Homecoming King Runner Up last year. I am a member of Rotary, Student Success Services/Trio, End Time Warriors, Student Alumni, Skills USA, and Phi Beta Lambda. I have had the honors of receiving the Top Tech Award from the Rotary Club in Adair County and was 1st place at the Phi Beta Lambda state conference for Networking and 3rd place in Computer Concepts. As you can see, I am into a lot of stuff and if you would like to know more ask. You know not because you ask not Blessed Be :oddgrin:
    I hope you all don't get too :ticked: by my making this so long. Just trying to introduce myself :)
  2. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Nice to have you here Smithcomputer. We don't mind at all, learning about your lifes accomplishments. I find it very interesting. Plus what better way of knowing you better. :)

    Many people here have the same interests as you do, and I'm sure you will run into them sooner or later.

    Hope to be reading many of your posts, and welcome aboard again.

    Now that your a member I need to bring you to the examining room where you will meet Prox. lol
  3. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    What a nice list of things you're interested in.

    Curious to see how being a christian/wiccan effects your life, as rosebud said, most people here have similar interests to you

    welcome to soup!
  4. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    Yeah, welcome to the soup!! :)

    Be sure to check out the Teleportation thread in The Fringe ... with your interest in Quantum Physics that might be an interesting read! :)
  5. Pyxidragon

    Pyxidragon Regular Member

    Merry met, and welcome to the soup!
  6. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Gee, you sound like crazy busy. Nice to see you have found time to stop by the coolest place in the planet, I'm sure you will enjoy. Now I must probe you, but being the president of the science club, I'm sure you knew that :)

    Don't worry it will only hurt a lot
  7. Moose

    Moose Regular Member

    Welcome :nuts:

    And good luck with your probing! :ohboy:

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