Aww, now thats not fair .. I have posted in LOADS of other threads and have tried my best to post in all the new threads that pop up, even if its just to off my support for the started of that thread! Dermo, on the other hand .. is a loser.
hey!!! I'm not the loser, You just have more time to look in other topics, either I am studying or just too goddamn lazy and Alien, u're in this convo too, so how can you say it's only between us?? eh? oh wait, maybe it's cos u can control us!! AAGH!!!, the tought of you controlling us!!!
Dermo: What you fail to see is that I in fact control you, Alien, Diesel Dan and everyone else. I am the almighty Bob. Mwa ha ha ha.
ok, Bob, whatever {to every1 else} lead him into a false sense of security then take him down :tongue: