???? how do u know about the smiley nickname?? I never told you that, I only told James and Tara on the first day and they know why I got it but I thought they forgot
I know why you got it, it was because you always smile while playing sports. You underestimate me buddy.
it's not just sports(ask James), I do it whenever I get giddy, I just can't stop smiling, but it mostly happens in sports.
Oh, and Tara, nor James told me .. guess who did? Dermo did .. you fool You told me it happens when you play sports Normally when your laughing you are rolling on the ground watching me get kicked by Happy & Teapot
no I didn't, well I think I didn't, why did so many things have to happen where I forget something simple like that? oh well, I can laugh now when some1 just starts to read this topic and gets totally confused
Yeah, we will have to make a Bob/Dermo/James/Tara/General CTYI Glossary/Index page We will confuse many threads with our CTYI rantings
lol guys, and yeah, i have no idea what you're talking about, but hey! it's obvious that u two know each otha!! :tongue:
Heh, Its a long and complicated story that involves Bob, Dermo, Tara, James, CTYI, Happy, Teapot and lotsa other stuff that ends up in me and Dermo being best buds after knowing each other about 3 days
U remind me of like the third day me & Bob knew each other and ppl thought we had been friends for ages, it was just that kinda thing
Hehe, that was on the first kickball where I royally kicked your ass but then I got whipped by the 'forfeit' clause Casey, Tara, Tori and the rest of them totally thought we had been buds since we were like 2 .. despite us only knowing each other 2 or 3 days Man, this summer rocked!
and did u notice that James never said nething bout it? oh well at least we're still friends, and gonna be better ones after Thursday
James is an oddball though And thursday is a bit iffy in my mind considering I DONT HAVE A CLUE WHATS GOING ON!!