Born in Grand Rapids..Hope College in now in Myrtle Beach since 1999 (home of Hooter's Airline BTW :thumbup: )..via Marlton Lakes, NJ and International Business Tavel for 20 years..USMC for 7 years..My 4th July week will be fishing at Hamlin Lake..might even make it over to Frankenmuth for Chicken :smile: but don't need any more Dicken's Christmas Village. :cake: Joined to wish the Lady Happy Birthday :flowers:
Thanks, Hunter...and if things go the way we want, my husband and I may be MOVING down your direction to Hartsville, SC soon... :cheers: Glad you joined in. I think you will find a good group to interact with here. :thumbup: I know we are starting to do some fun things and I have several interesting things in mind for the forum. So stick around and join in the fun. Some of MY favorite quotes come from here: Short Rounds! Liz
Welcome Hunter! Look forward to getting to know you. Check out my newbie post to find out about me. Catch ya later!
Hi Leah..I already have done that.. and your home pages and the rest of the family .. it is nice to meet you.
Welcome, sure do like to move around! Hope you stay! You can read about me under Reddie. Carol