Hey Again

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Azhria lilu, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well anyway, good luck with your new forum. I think you probably did the best thing letting AX go in the end. I know you put a lot into the site posting yourself at one point and could never understand why so many members kept logging in daily, but always seemed to refuse to post their half the time.

    I read he wants to keep AX running separate from TAZ, rather than merge them "if things pick up activity wise, that is". But if he's owned it already for over a year, then he's not made much of an effort to pick things up since in all that time. I stopped using admin forums around the time you sold it, or soon after. I went back doing some online gaming for fun because bored to tears with forums at the time. Only about two weeks ago did I come back browsing admin forums again and spotted AX was pretty much the same as last time I visited it 5 months ago.
  2. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Well, as you could probably tell, I was growing tired of posting new content all the time which was why I decided to sell. At the time Howard also approached me and talked about how he'd like me back as an admin on TAZ but how he couldn't do it while I owned Admin Extra. I said, quite flippantly really (being flippant seems to get me in trouble a lot lol) that he could buy Admin Extra and threw out a figure. He agreed, we hashed out a few more details as to what would happen and we went forward. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out how we discussed and I started to find myself more and more disillusioned over time until it resulted in me stepping down the other day. I'm confident that I won't be returning to TAZ as staff or member any time in the future.
  3. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    Howard needs to get over being terrified of "competition". He even censored http://www.bigboardadmin.com/ on TAZ. You tell me how the hell that site competes with a general admin forum? He is his own worse enemy.
  4. KW802

    KW802 Regular Member

    In the vBSEO thread over at TAZ he even deleted the post Brandon made because it was "spammy" because it contained links to here but it was an exact copy & paste of the email that was sent out to some vBSEO customers. After somebody posted another post quoting the email but without the links and that one was allowed.

    Maybe it is just personal preference but if something is being quoted I'd prefer that it be an unaltered copy and not an edited version.
    Brandon likes this.
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I read that and Brandon's reply about it. He probably didn't like the idea it's was the same topic as covered here, but with more replies here and a link leading back to it. Have mixed views about that, because sometimes it does look quite spammy when a person posts a link to their own forum topic that covers the exact same thing.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2013
  6. KW802

    KW802 Regular Member

    Normally I'd agree but in this case it was a copy of an email that was sent out by a 3rd party and since the email itself is a part of the topic being discussed it should be presented wholey.
  7. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    It'll end up costing him more and more members in the end. I regret making my Topify post over there.
  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I wonder if he'll go down the same road with AX, like he has with TAZ. Using mods to only allow guests to view so many posts before having to login e.t.c. I don't know Howard much, never use TAZ a lot. But even I can tell he's very protective over his forums content.
  9. KW802

    KW802 Regular Member

    As long as he keeps getting ad revenue coming in I don't think he cares one bit about whether it is active or a ghost town.
  10. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Funny enough though, Admin Extra isn't showing any ads. Not even after him owning it for 12 months, so he doesn't seem bothered about that forum he now owns for making revenue and has quite a lot of content listed their. If anything, looks like he bought it and just left it standing since.
  11. KW802

    KW802 Regular Member

    The reference was in regards to TAZ, not AdX. AdX has been quiet for quite some time.
  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Yeah, I know your on about TAZ. But saying he's had 12 months as new owner of AX to stick ads up on that, but hasn't bothered doing so.
  13. KW802

    KW802 Regular Member

    Personally I don't think he ever really cared about AdX. When the site was converted to XF it was getting a lot of buzz in part because of who owned it. Purchasing AdX came off as nothing more than a strategic move to eliminate a possible competitor and get the person behind it as a staff member at TAZ. Now that the initial situation has changed a bit it'll be interesting to see if AdX continues as-is or if it will end up with a more TAZ-like administration feel to it.
    Azhria lilu likes this.
  14. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Just been reading AX to see what's new their, howard has posted an rather interesting question.

    I would have replied to that, but of course Lisa banned me. :evillaugh:
  15. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Did I? Pretty sure that was after Howard bought the site . . .

    Not that interesting a question... I lost interest before he bought it so stopped posting, he bought it and expected me to continue to work on the site..... wasn't gonna happen.
    GTB likes this.
  16. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Might have been him then.
  17. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    I honestly can't say positively one way or the other, I just don't remember doing it myself. I rarely ban people.
  18. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    Howard was first to the game and that is why TAZ is big and has the clout it does. I doubt TAZ is seeing the kind of growth that they like. Maybe that is why Howard is so defensive about competition. This site, so far, is leaps and bounds better than TAZ when it comes to openness.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2013
    boatswife and Brandon like this.
  19. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Ah... doesn't matter now, that was a long time ago. But I was going say, because Howard is fishing to try and find out what made AX succeed at times, then fail other times "reading two threads just posted their". A lot will depend on his style of moderation whether or not he can turn Admin Extra around, along with his other staff how they deal with certain topics. He does tend to allow a lot of controversial type topics to stand at TAZ, which I think if he does same thing at AX he might stand a chance.

    I know those type of topics was never your thing, nor what you wanted AX to be about really. But do remember that time when you had about 3-4 XenForo threads going at once, members was posting a lot in them at the time. Then Brad came along and locked them all, after that everyone stopped posting on AX for ages.
  20. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Yeah I know.... problem is there comes a point when controversy just overtakes the entire site and it becomes hell to moderate - which happened very recently on TAZ in the vB forum. If there's a balance between drama-threads and standard threads, it's not so bad.. but when everything is just drama drama drama, it gets tedious fast.
    boatswife and Brandon like this.

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