Here I Am...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by BizkitBabe, Mar 20, 2001.

  1. psychopathic

    psychopathic Regular Member

    ah... i see O_o
    i'm thirsty!! i still haven't gotten my soup >_<
    *passes out from dehydration*

    -‹ psychopathic ›-
    -‹ Planet Plastica ›-
  2. meezercat

    meezercat Regular Member

    Welcome, BizkitBabe. I would have welcomed you much earlier, but I was involuntarily away for a few days *glares at Internet provider*

    Looks like you've made yourself at home...I look forward to reading more of your posts. .

    Love will tear us apart....again
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  3. SwissSmiss

    SwissSmiss Regular Member

    just thought i would say hi. i rarely bother to come over to the welcome forum, but that is cause these pages load really slow on a 28.8 connection... *looks at alien* and before anyone says anything about dsl or cable, i can't get em, and the phone lines in the area won't go above 28.8. i'm just screwed. anyways, heya babe .
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014

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